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Art and craft supplies for schools

Art and craft supplies for schools

Art Supplies for Schools

As a teacher it is vitally important to always have the right equipment to hand to assist with the ever evolving process of teaching the next generation. Throughout our time supplying the artists of Great Britain and beyond, we have always been on hand to supply great savings and wholesale prices on a wide range of educational art materials and supplies.

In this article we will talk about just some of the products we offer that are perfect for art teachers to keep their storeroom well stocked.

ARTdiscount Starter Sketchbook

ARTdiscount Starter Sketchbooks
Possibly the most important piece of kit any art student starts out with is the humble sketchbook. The ARTdiscount sketchbook is a simple paperback, staple-bound sketchbook with 40 pages of high quality 140gsm cartridge paper. Coming in a variety of sizes from A5 to A3, these sketchbooks are the best thing to equip a classroom full of students before starting the school year. The paper is sturdy enough to stand up to light use of wet media such as acrylic, inks, watercolours and gouache and will readily accept pencils, pens, pastels (oil and soft) and charcoal. A classic staple of art classes, they can be purchased individually but if larger quantities are required we can also supply in bulk quantities. These sketchbooks are the perfect balance between cost and quality.

ARTdiscount Acrylic Paint Tubes 500ml

An entry level acrylic paint that boasts high pigmentation compared to similar quality acrylic paints and a smooth consistency with great coverage. Available in a palette of 28 colours that work perfectly right out of the pot, they can be mixed freely amongst themselves or with other brands of acrylic which makes them perfect for practicing mixing and colour theory. Each tube features a screw-on cap with a flip top lid so paint can be squeezed out easily to help prevent paint wastage. If there is excess paint the cap can simply be removed and the paint scooped back into the bottle. Each colour is available as a single bottle or in boxes of six which make bulk restock much less hassle for commonly used colours like black and white. Cleaned simply with soap and water, this acrylic paint is non-toxic and water resistant once dry.

ARTdiscount School Brushes

ARTdiscount School Brushes - Packs of 10 - Round
Made especially for ARTdiscount, the new School Brushes are excellent value. The white synthetic filaments are hard wearing, versatile and keep their shape. The short matt black handles are made with wood from managed forests and the ferrules are a polished aluminium. Suitable for use with acrylic and watercolour paints these brushes are soft enough for delicate brush work but have enough spring in the bristles to keep a nice point to help lend extra control whilst painting. ARTdiscount School Brushes come in two varieties; Round and Flat. Round being best for general painting and fine detail work while Flat style brushes work best for laying down washes and broad flat marks. ARTdiscount brushes come in boxes of ten at a superb price point making them pound for pound one of the best value brushes we stock making them an excellent choice for supplying a classroom full of students ready to create.

ARTdiscount 100gsm All Media Cartridge Paper Packs

ARTdiscount 100gsm All Media Cartridge Paper - Packs of 250 sheets
Paper is vitally important in an art room but whilst cheap and plentiful, printer paper just does not stand up to the demands of art students, whereas cartridge paper is the superior choice and well suited for the mixed media environment of the classroom. The ARTdiscount All Media Cartridge Paper is a robust 100gsm weight and stands up to pencils, pens, pastels and charcoal and inks as well as light application of wet techniques such as watercolour and acrylic paint. Available in A4, A3 and A2, each pack consists of 250 sheets of paper which is more than enough to keep a class supplied. On top of that we also stock a variety of paper packs in varying sizes, thicknesses and types from differing weights of Fabiano cartridge paper to bulk packs of watercolour paper.

ARTdiscount Economy Canvas Boards

ARTdiscount Economy Canvas Boards
Canvas boards are a convenient alternative to traditional stretched canvases, consisting of a stiff piece of board with primed canvas wrapped around. It works as a suitable painting support that is easy to transport and store. These qualities of convenience make canvas boards a great choice for painting projects and group painting activities where mixed media is likely to be used. They also make for a suitable support for collages that involve 3D elements or slightly heavier materials that would threaten to buckle or tear paper. They are good to have on hand for particular art projects and are available in boxed quantities.


Loxley Compressed Charcoal

Loxley Compressed Charcoal Sets
Charcoal is a highly expressive and versatile drawing tool and possibly one of the oldest art materials known to man and it is still utilised for all manner of drawing techniques. Any art teacher will know that whilst it can be a fairly messy medium, it is excellent for practicing observational drawing and great for capturing shadow and light due to how easily it blends. The Loxley Compressed Charcoal comes in sets of Twelve sticks in black or grey tones and makes for a solid drawing tool to always have in the classroom.

Loxley charcoal sticks are non-toxic and perfectly suitable for children from primary school to students of the arts in higher education.

ARTdiscount Kielder Easel

ARTdiscount KIELDER Lyra Artists/Display Easel
This classic style A-frame easel (sometimes called a lyre easel due resemblance to the instrument) is a fantastic classroom companion for high school and colleges in particular. The Kielder features a ratchet system as opposed to a tightening bolt that relies on friction and tension to keep itself in place, which can weaken gradually over time. The ratchet system makes for a steadier and sturdier support for canvases and boards. It is easily adjusted and will hold canvases and boards up to 40 inches in size with ease. You would be hard pressed to find an easel of the same robust build quality that is matched with such a competitive price point. It is a highly popular choice with hobbyists and professionals alike.

Powder Colour 500g

Tubs of school quality tempera pigment in twelve bright colours and  makes for a highly entertaining learning experience for young children. These powder pigments can be mixed with water to make a basic poster paint mix which dries to a matt chalky finish or can be thinned down to an inky wash for a more watercolour look. Colours can be mixed dry or wet and work well for teaching younger children the basic principles of colour mixing. Because the colours are stored dry, there is no risk they will dry out between uses. We suggest using powder colours with cartridge paper and bristle brushes such as the ARTdiscount bristle brushes.

We are always eager to help both teachers and students acquire the materials they require to succeed and we hope we have given you an idea of the scope of supplies we have available on our website. We encompass the full spectrum of educational levels from primary schools to universities.

For order enquiries and credit accounts for education please contact us via email.

For further information please get in touch with us and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding any of our products.

Ben Platt
Ben Platt

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